What is Music Therapy?

Music Therapy is a treatment approach that uses music-based therapeutic interventions to help achieve therapeutic goals. This can involve creating, listening to, or interacting with music to address emotional, cognitive, social or physical needs. It is a way to enhance well-being and improve various aspects of a person’s life through musical experiences guided by a qualified music therapist. Music Therapy taps into the universal appeal and power of music to elicit changes. 

What to expect in a session?

The music therapist will engage with you to determine which musical activities are best for your experience and comfort. The therapist will work with you to create a safe and supportive environment to explore and benefit from the power of music. Your sessions will potentially include playing instruments, singing, listening to music, creating rhythms, active listening, analysis of songs, and/or even writing songs.

Why Music Therapy?


Emotional Expression

Stress Reduction

Communication Improvement

Motor Skills

Social Interaction

Personal Growth




Increase Insight

Lowering Anxiety

Boosting Self-Confidence

  • Music Therapy With Children

    While working with children’s clients, the Music Therapist will use music to support the child’s development and address specific needs. The therapist might use instruments, song and movement activities to engage the child. The music therapist will use music to provide a creative and non-threatening way for children to engage, express themselves and learn important skills. Sessions are tailored to each child’s unique abilities and challenges, making it a playful and effective therapeutic approach. The music therapist will collaborate with the family to develop an appropriate treatment plan and goals for the needs of the child.

  • Music Therapy With Adults

    While working with adult clients, the music therapist will work collaboratively with the adult to create sessions that align with their goals and needs, creating a supportive and creative environment for personal growth and well-being. Music experience or training is not necessary, your musicianship will not be judged or graded. It is not about what is created, but the act of making music for expression. Music therapy can provide a safe space to address emotional, psychological, cognitive or physical challenges.